descriptionMooseyard Networking library: Cocoa utilities, including a generic TCP server/client, plus the reference (well, the only) implementation of the BLIP protocol.
Online Documentation
ownerJens Alfke <>
last changeFri, 24 Jul 2009 14:06:28 -0700
2009-07-24 Jens Alfke * The BLIPConnection receivedRequest: delegate method now returns BOOL. If the method returns NO (or if the method isn't implemented in the delegate), that means it didn't handle the message at all; an error will be returned to the sender. default tip
2009-07-21 Jens Alfke Added -[MYBonjourRegistration updateTXTRecord]
2009-07-21 Jens Alfke Prevent crash if MYBonjourQuery is released during response handling
2009-07-20 Jens Alfke DNS NULL record support in MYBonjourRegistration. Minor fix to IPAddress init. Force 4-char indent in source files.
2009-07-20 Jens Alfke * MYBonjourBrowser: Added delegate (no methods for it yet, just for client use.)
2009-07-03 morrowa Fixed bug which caused PyBLIP to stop sending responses while the connection was closing.
2009-07-02 morrowa Merged Jens' latest changes.
2009-07-02 morrowa Removed unnecessary files. Toned down logging. Added null logging handler to BLIP so client code doesn't have to use logging. Modified test drivers to work against Cocoa versions.
2009-07-02 morrowa Made C99 project default.
2009-06-23 morrowa Moved _handleCloseRequest to a new method. Added warning messages.
2008-07-13 1.0
2008-05-25 release_1
2009-07-24 5e4855a592ee default