Game class now tracks board state and moves, as strings, and can step through its history.
Fixed another bug in Go (you could drag your captured stones back to the board!)
5 // Created by Jens Alfke on 3/10/08.
6 // Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
13 @interface GGBTextLayer : GGBLayer
17 CGColorRef _foregroundColor;
18 NSString *_alignmentMode;
21 @property(copy) id string;
22 @property (retain) UIFont *font;
23 @property CGColorRef foregroundColor;
24 @property (copy) NSString *alignmentMode;
27 @interface GGBTextLayer : CATextLayer
30 + (GGBTextLayer*) textLayerInSuperlayer: (CALayer*)superlayer
31 withText: (NSString*)text
32 fontSize: (float) fontSize
33 alignment: (enum CAAutoresizingMask) align;
34 + (GGBTextLayer*) textLayerInSuperlayer: (CALayer*)superlayer
35 withText: (NSString*)text
37 alignment: (enum CAAutoresizingMask) align;
43 /* Bit definitions for `autoresizingMask' property. */
45 enum CAAutoresizingMask
47 kCALayerNotSizable = 0,
48 kCALayerMinXMargin = 1U << 0,
49 kCALayerWidthSizable = 1U << 1,
50 kCALayerMaxXMargin = 1U << 2,
51 kCALayerMinYMargin = 1U << 3,
52 kCALayerHeightSizable = 1U << 4,
53 kCALayerMaxYMargin = 1U << 5
58 kCALayerBottomMargin = kCALayerMaxYMargin,
59 kCALayerTopMargin = kCALayerMinYMargin
65 kCALayerBottomMargin = kCALayerMinYMargin,
66 kCALayerTopMargin = kCALayerMaxYMargin