1.1 --- a/Bonjour/MYBonjourService.h Mon Apr 27 09:03:56 2009 -0700
1.2 +++ b/Bonjour/MYBonjourService.h Tue May 05 14:46:42 2009 -0700
1.3 @@ -33,13 +33,34 @@
1.4 /** The service's domain. */
1.5 @property (readonly) NSString *domain;
1.7 +/** The service's full name -- the name, type and domain concatenated together. */
1.8 +@property (readonly,copy) NSString* fullName;
1.9 +
1.10 +/** The index of the network interface on which this service was found. */
1.11 +@property (readonly) uint32_t interfaceIndex;
1.12 +
1.13 +
1.14 +/** @name Addressing
1.15 + * Getting the IP address of the service
1.16 + */
1.17 +//@{
1.18 +
1.19 +/** The hostname of the machine providing this service. */
1.20 @property (readonly, copy) NSString *hostname;
1.22 +/** The IP port number of this service on its host. */
1.23 @property (readonly) UInt16 port;
1.25 -@property (readonly) uint32_t interfaceIndex;
1.26 +/** Returns a MYDNSLookup object that resolves the raw IP address(es) of this service.
1.27 + Subsequent calls to this method will always return the same object. */
1.28 +- (MYAddressLookup*) addressLookup;
1.30 -@property (readonly,copy) NSString* fullName;
1.31 +//@}
1.32 +
1.33 +
1.34 +/** @name TXT and other DNS records
1.35 + */
1.36 +//@{
1.38 /** The service's metadata dictionary, from its DNS TXT record */
1.39 @property (readonly,copy) NSDictionary *txtRecord;
1.40 @@ -47,42 +68,41 @@
1.41 /** A convenience to access a single property from the TXT record. */
1.42 - (NSString*) txtStringForKey: (NSString*)key;
1.44 -/** Returns a MYDNSLookup object that resolves the IP address(es) of this service.
1.45 - Subsequent calls to this method will always return the same object. */
1.46 -- (MYAddressLookup*) addressLookup;
1.47 -
1.48 /** Starts a new MYBonjourQuery for the specified DNS record type of this service.
1.49 @param recordType The DNS record type, e.g. kDNSServiceType_TXT; see the enum in <dns_sd.h>. */
1.50 - (MYBonjourQuery*) queryForRecord: (UInt16)recordType;
1.52 +//@}
1.54 -// Protected methods, for subclass use only:
1.56 -// (for subclasses to override, but not call):
1.57 +/** @name Protected
1.58 + * Advanced methods that may be overridden by subclasses, but should not be called directly.
1.59 + */
1.60 +//@{
1.61 +
1.62 +/** Designated initializer. You probably don't want to create MYBonjourService instances yourself,
1.63 + but if you subclass you might need to override this initializer. */
1.64 - (id) initWithName: (NSString*)serviceName
1.65 type: (NSString*)type
1.66 domain: (NSString*)domain
1.67 - interface: (uint32_t)interfaceIndex;
1.68 + interface: (UInt32)interfaceIndex;
1.70 +/** Called when this service is officially added to its browser's service set.
1.71 + You can override this, but be sure to call the superclass method. */
1.72 - (void) added;
1.73 +
1.74 +/** Called when this service is officially removed to its browser's service set.
1.75 + You can override this, but be sure to call the superclass method. */
1.76 - (void) removed;
1.77 +
1.78 +/** Called when this service's TXT record changes.
1.79 + You can override this, but be sure to call the superclass method. */
1.80 - (void) txtRecordChanged;
1.82 -// Internal:
1.83 -
1.84 +/** Called when a query started by this service updates.
1.85 + You can override this, but be sure to call the superclass method. */
1.86 - (void) queryDidUpdate: (MYBonjourQuery*)query;
1.88 -@end
1.89 -
1.90 -
1.91 -
1.92 -@interface MYBonjourResolveOperation : ConcurrentOperation
1.93 -{
1.94 - MYBonjourService *_service;
1.95 - NSSet *_addresses;
1.96 -}
1.97 -
1.98 -@property (readonly) MYBonjourService *service;
1.99 -@property (readonly,retain) NSSet *addresses;
1.100 +//@}
1.102 @end