changeset 28 732576fa8a0d
parent 22 8b883753394a
child 29 59689fbdcf77
     1.1 --- a/BLIP/BLIPTest.m	Sun Jul 13 10:42:50 2008 -0700
     1.2 +++ b/BLIP/BLIPTest.m	Mon Apr 27 09:03:56 2009 -0700
     1.3 @@ -19,10 +19,13 @@
     1.4  #import "Logging.h"
     1.5  #import "Test.h"
     1.7 -#define HAVE_KEYCHAIN_FRAMEWORK 0
     1.9 -#import <Keychain/Keychain.h>
    1.10 -#endif
    1.11 +#import <Security/Security.h>
    1.12 +#import <SecurityInterface/SFChooseIdentityPanel.h>
    1.13 +
    1.14 +@interface TCPEndpoint ()
    1.15 ++ (NSString*) describeCert: (SecCertificateRef)cert;
    1.16 ++ (NSString*) describeIdentity: (SecIdentityRef)identity;
    1.17 +@end
    1.20  #define kListenerHost               @"localhost"
    1.21 @@ -31,20 +34,41 @@
    1.22  #define kNBatchedMessages           20
    1.23  #define kUseCompression             YES
    1.24  #define kUrgentEvery                4
    1.25 -#define kClientRequiresSSL          NO
    1.26 -#define kClientUsesSSLCert          NO
    1.27 -#define kListenerRequiresSSL        NO
    1.28 -#define kListenerRequiresClientCert NO
    1.29  #define kListenerCloseAfter         50
    1.30  #define kClientAcceptCloseRequest   YES
    1.32 +#define kListenerUsesSSL            YES     // Does the listener (server) use an SSL connection?
    1.33 +#define kListenerRequiresClientCert YES     // Does the listener require clients to have an SSL cert?
    1.34 +#define kClientRequiresSSL          YES     // Does the client require the listener to use SSL?
    1.35 +#define kClientUsesSSLCert          YES     // Does the client use an SSL cert?
    1.36 +
    1.37 +
    1.38 +static SecIdentityRef ChooseIdentity( NSString *prompt ) {
    1.39 +    NSMutableArray *identities = [NSMutableArray array];
    1.40 +    SecKeychainRef kc;
    1.41 +    SecKeychainCopyDefault(&kc);
    1.42 +    SecIdentitySearchRef search;
    1.43 +    SecIdentitySearchCreate(kc, CSSM_KEYUSE_ANY, &search);
    1.44 +    SecIdentityRef identity;
    1.45 +    while (SecIdentitySearchCopyNext(search, &identity) == noErr)
    1.46 +        [identities addObject: (id)identity];
    1.47 +    Log(@"Found %u identities -- prompting '%@'", identities.count, prompt);
    1.48 +    if (identities.count > 0) {
    1.49 +        SFChooseIdentityPanel *panel = [SFChooseIdentityPanel sharedChooseIdentityPanel];
    1.50 +        if ([panel runModalForIdentities: identities message: prompt] == NSOKButton) {
    1.51 +            Log(@"Using SSL identity: %@", panel.identity);
    1.52 +            return panel.identity;
    1.53 +        }
    1.54 +    }
    1.55 +    return NULL;
    1.56 +}
    1.58  static SecIdentityRef GetClientIdentity(void) {
    1.59 -    return NULL;    // Make this return a valid identity to test client-side certs
    1.60 +    return ChooseIdentity(@"Choose an identity for the BLIP Client Test:");
    1.61  }
    1.63  static SecIdentityRef GetListenerIdentity(void) {
    1.64 -    return NULL;    // Make this return a valid identity to test client-side certs
    1.65 +    return ChooseIdentity(@"Choose an identity for the BLIP Listener Test:");
    1.66  }
    1.69 @@ -75,15 +99,11 @@
    1.70              [self release];
    1.71              return nil;
    1.72          }
    1.73 -        if( kClientRequiresSSL ) {
    1.74 -            _conn.SSLProperties = $mdict({kTCPPropertySSLAllowsAnyRoot, $true});
    1.75 -            if( kClientUsesSSLCert ) {
    1.76 -                SecIdentityRef clientIdentity = GetClientIdentity();
    1.77 -                if( clientIdentity ) {
    1.78 -                    [_conn setSSLProperty: $array((id)clientIdentity)
    1.79 -                                   forKey: kTCPPropertySSLCertificates];
    1.80 -                }
    1.81 -            }
    1.82 +        if( kClientUsesSSLCert ) {
    1.83 +            [_conn setPeerToPeerIdentity: GetClientIdentity()];
    1.84 +        } else if( kClientRequiresSSL ) {
    1.85 +            _conn.SSLProperties = $mdict({kTCPPropertySSLAllowsAnyRoot, $true},
    1.86 +                                        {(id)kCFStreamSSLPeerName, [NSNull null]});
    1.87          }
    1.88          _conn.delegate = self;
    1.89          Log(@"** Opening connection...");
    1.90 @@ -148,22 +168,20 @@
    1.91  }
    1.92  - (BOOL) connection: (TCPConnection*)connection authorizeSSLPeer: (SecCertificateRef)peerCert
    1.93  {
    1.95 -    Certificate *cert = peerCert ?[Certificate certificateWithCertificateRef: peerCert] :nil;
    1.96 -    Log(@"** %@ authorizeSSLPeer: %@",self,cert);
    1.97 -#else
    1.98 -    Log(@"** %@ authorizeSSLPeer: %@",self,peerCert);
    1.99 -#endif
   1.100 +    Log(@"** %@ authorizeSSLPeer: %@",self, [TCPEndpoint describeCert:peerCert]);
   1.101      return peerCert != nil;
   1.102  }
   1.103  - (void) connection: (TCPConnection*)connection failedToOpen: (NSError*)error
   1.104  {
   1.105 -    Log(@"** %@ failedToOpen: %@",connection,error);
   1.106 +    Warn(@"** %@ failedToOpen: %@",connection,error);
   1.107      CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetCurrent());
   1.108  }
   1.109  - (void) connectionDidClose: (TCPConnection*)connection
   1.110  {
   1.111 -    Log(@"** %@ didClose",connection);
   1.112 +    if (connection.error)
   1.113 +        Warn(@"** %@ didClose: %@", connection,connection.error);
   1.114 +    else
   1.115 +        Log(@"** %@ didClose", connection);
   1.116      setObj(&_conn,nil);
   1.117      [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: self];
   1.118      CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetCurrent());
   1.119 @@ -188,7 +206,7 @@
   1.120          const UInt8 *bytes = body.bytes;
   1.121          for( size_t i=0; i<size; i++ )
   1.122              AssertEq(bytes[i],i % 256);
   1.123 -        AssertEq(size,sizeObj.intValue);
   1.124 +        AssertEq(size,sizeObj.unsignedIntValue);
   1.125      }
   1.126      Assert(sizeObj);
   1.127      [_pending removeObjectForKey: $object(response.number)];
   1.128 @@ -207,9 +225,7 @@
   1.131  TestCase(BLIPConnection) {
   1.133 -    [Keychain setUserInteractionAllowed: YES];
   1.134 -#endif
   1.135 +    SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(true);
   1.136      BLIPConnectionTester *tester = [[BLIPConnectionTester alloc] init];
   1.137      CAssert(tester);
   1.139 @@ -244,12 +260,11 @@
   1.140          _listener.delegate = self;
   1.141          _listener.pickAvailablePort = YES;
   1.142          _listener.bonjourServiceType = @"_bliptest._tcp";
   1.143 -        if( kListenerRequiresSSL ) {
   1.144 -            SecIdentityRef listenerIdentity = GetListenerIdentity();
   1.145 -            Assert(listenerIdentity);
   1.146 -            _listener.SSLProperties = $mdict({kTCPPropertySSLCertificates, $array((id)listenerIdentity)},
   1.147 -                                             {kTCPPropertySSLAllowsAnyRoot,$true},
   1.148 -                            {kTCPPropertySSLClientSideAuthentication, $object(kTCPTryAuthenticate)});
   1.149 +        if( kListenerUsesSSL ) {
   1.150 +            [_listener setPeerToPeerIdentity: GetListenerIdentity()];
   1.151 +            if (!kListenerRequiresClientCert)
   1.152 +                [_listener setSSLProperty: $object(kTCPTryAuthenticate) 
   1.153 +                                   forKey: kTCPPropertySSLClientSideAuthentication];
   1.154          }
   1.155          Assert( [_listener open] );
   1.156          Log(@"%@ is listening...",self);
   1.157 @@ -293,12 +308,7 @@
   1.158  }
   1.159  - (BOOL) connection: (TCPConnection*)connection authorizeSSLPeer: (SecCertificateRef)peerCert
   1.160  {
   1.162 -    Certificate *cert = peerCert ?[Certificate certificateWithCertificateRef: peerCert] :nil;
   1.163 -    Log(@"** %@ authorizeSSLPeer: %@",connection,cert);
   1.164 -#else
   1.165 -    Log(@"** %@ authorizeSSLPeer: %@",self,peerCert);
   1.166 -#endif
   1.167 +    Log(@"** %@ authorizeSSLPeer: %@",self, [TCPEndpoint describeCert:peerCert]);
   1.168      return peerCert != nil || ! kListenerRequiresClientCert;
   1.169  }
   1.170  - (void) connection: (TCPConnection*)connection failedToOpen: (NSError*)error
   1.171 @@ -307,7 +317,10 @@
   1.172  }
   1.173  - (void) connectionDidClose: (TCPConnection*)connection
   1.174  {
   1.175 -    Log(@"** %@ didClose",connection);
   1.176 +    if (connection.error)
   1.177 +        Warn(@"** %@ didClose: %@", connection,connection.error);
   1.178 +    else
   1.179 +        Log(@"** %@ didClose", connection);
   1.180      [connection release];
   1.181  }
   1.182  - (void) connection: (BLIPConnection*)connection receivedRequest: (BLIPRequest*)request
   1.183 @@ -322,7 +335,7 @@
   1.185      AssertEqual([request valueOfProperty: @"Content-Type"], @"application/octet-stream");
   1.186      Assert([request valueOfProperty: @"User-Agent"] != nil);
   1.187 -    AssertEq([[request valueOfProperty: @"Size"] intValue], size);
   1.188 +    AssertEq((size_t)[[request valueOfProperty: @"Size"] intValue], size);
   1.190      [request respondWithData: body contentType: request.contentType];
   1.192 @@ -351,9 +364,7 @@
   1.193      EnableLogTo(BLIP,YES);
   1.194      EnableLogTo(PortMapper,YES);
   1.195      EnableLogTo(Bonjour,YES);
   1.197 -    [Keychain setUserInteractionAllowed: YES];
   1.198 -#endif
   1.199 +    SecKeychainSetUserInteractionAllowed(true);
   1.200      BLIPTestListener *listener = [[BLIPTestListener alloc] init];
   1.202      [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];