More documentation.
5 // Created by Jens Alfke on 5/14/08.
6 // Copyright 2008 Jens Alfke. All rights reserved.
9 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
10 #import <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
14 #define kTCPPropertySSLCertificates ((NSString*)kCFStreamSSLCertificates)
15 #define kTCPPropertySSLAllowsAnyRoot ((NSString*)kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot)
16 extern NSString* const kTCPPropertySSLClientSideAuthentication; // value is SSLAuthenticate enum
19 /** Abstract base class of TCPConnection and TCPListener.
20 Mostly just manages the SSL properties. */
21 @interface TCPEndpoint : NSObject
23 NSMutableDictionary *_sslProperties;
27 /** The desired security level. Use the security level constants from NSStream.h,
28 such as NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL. */
29 @property (copy) NSString *securityLevel;
31 /** Detailed SSL settings. This is the same as CFStream's kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings
33 @property (copy) NSMutableDictionary *SSLProperties;
35 /** Shortcut to set a single SSL property. */
36 - (void) setSSLProperty: (id)value
37 forKey: (NSString*)key;
40 - (void) tellDelegate: (SEL)selector withObject: (id)param;