2009-07-20* MYBonjourBrowser: Added delegate (no methods for it yet, just for client use.)
Jens Alfke <jens@mooseyard.com> [Mon, 20 Jul 2009 13:26:29 -0700] rev 59
* MYBonjourBrowser: Added delegate (no methods for it yet, just for client use.)
* MYBonjourRegistration: Added +canonicalFormOfTXTRecordDictionary:.
* MYBonjourService: Added back-reference to browser.
* IPAddress: Added conversions to/from struct sockaddr.

2009-07-03Fixed bug which caused PyBLIP to stop sending responses while the connection was closing.
morrowa [Fri, 03 Jul 2009 17:50:28 -0700] rev 58
Fixed bug which caused PyBLIP to stop sending responses while the connection was closing.

2009-07-02Merged Jens' latest changes.
morrowa [Thu, 02 Jul 2009 20:45:11 -0700] rev 57
Merged Jens' latest changes.

2009-07-02Removed unnecessary files. Toned down logging. Added null logging handler to BLIP so client code doesn't have to use logging. Modified test drivers to work against Cocoa versions.
morrowa [Thu, 02 Jul 2009 19:58:11 -0700] rev 56
Removed unnecessary files. Toned down logging. Added null logging handler to BLIP so client code doesn't have to use logging. Modified test drivers to work against Cocoa versions.

2009-07-02Made C99 project default.
morrowa [Thu, 02 Jul 2009 17:51:35 -0700] rev 55
Made C99 project default.

2009-06-23Moved _handleCloseRequest to a new method. Added warning messages.
morrowa [Tue, 23 Jun 2009 13:52:28 -0700] rev 54
Moved _handleCloseRequest to a new method. Added warning messages.

2009-06-23Connections opened by listeners now close correctly.
morrowa [Tue, 23 Jun 2009 12:46:40 -0700] rev 53
Connections opened by listeners now close correctly.

2009-06-23Updating ignore patterns.
morrowa [Tue, 23 Jun 2009 11:55:50 -0700] rev 52
Updating ignore patterns.

2009-06-23BROKEN COMMIT. Majority of code to handle closing has been added. Listeners do not close correctly.
morrowa@betelgeuse.local [Tue, 23 Jun 2009 11:44:30 -0700] rev 51
BROKEN COMMIT. Majority of code to handle closing has been added. Listeners do not close correctly.

2009-07-01Fix to BLIPMessage for Chatty (mark new outgoing BLIPMessages as "complete".)
Jens Alfke <jens@mooseyard.com> [Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:14:32 -0700] rev 50
Fix to BLIPMessage for Chatty (mark new outgoing BLIPMessages as "complete".)
Lots of fixes for Bonjour stuff, including making the hostname lookup asynchronous in BonjourService.