Split ExceptionUtils out of Test.
5 // Copyright 2008 Jens Alfke. All rights reserved.
8 #import "GraphicsUtils.h"
10 #import <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
13 @implementation NSImage (MYUtilities)
16 - (NSBitmapImageRep*) my_bitmapRep
19 NSBitmapImageRep *bestRep = nil;
20 for( NSImageRep *rep in self.representations )
21 if( [rep isKindOfClass: [NSBitmapImageRep class]] ) {
22 NSSize size = [rep size];
23 if( size.width > max.width || size.height > max.height ) {
24 bestRep = (NSBitmapImageRep*)rep;
29 NSImage *tiffImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:[self TIFFRepresentation]];
30 bestRep = [[tiffImage representations] objectAtIndex:0];
31 [tiffImage autorelease];
37 - (NSSize) my_sizeOfLargestRep
39 NSArray *reps = [self representations];
42 for( i=[reps count]-1; i>=0; i-- ) {
43 NSImageRep *rep = [reps objectAtIndex: i];
44 NSSize size = [rep size];
45 if( size.width > max.width || size.height > max.height ) {
53 - (NSImage*) my_shrunkToFitIn: (NSSize) maxSize
55 NSSize size = self.size;
56 float scale = MIN( maxSize.width/size.width, maxSize.height/size.height );
60 NSSize newSize = {roundf(size.width*scale), roundf(size.height*scale)};
61 NSImage *newImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: newSize];
63 NSGraphicsContext *context = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
64 [context saveGraphicsState];
65 [context setImageInterpolation: NSImageInterpolationHigh];
66 [self drawInRect: NSMakeRect(0,0,newSize.width,newSize.height)
67 fromRect: NSMakeRect(0,0,size.width,size.height)
68 operation: NSCompositeCopy fraction: 1.0f];
69 [context restoreGraphicsState];
70 [newImage unlockFocus];
71 return [newImage autorelease];
75 - (NSData*) my_JPEGData
77 return [self my_dataInFormat: NSJPEGFileType quality: 0.75f];
81 - (NSData*) my_dataInFormat: (NSBitmapImageFileType)format quality: (float)quality
83 NSBitmapImageRep *rep = self.my_bitmapRep;
84 NSDictionary *props = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
85 [NSNumber numberWithFloat: quality], NSImageCompressionFactor, nil];
86 return [rep representationUsingType: format properties: props];
92 // Adapted from Apple's CocoaCreateMovie sample
93 // <http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/Sample_Code/QuickTime/Basics/CocoaCreateMovie/MyController.m.htm>
94 static void CopyNSImageRepToGWorld(NSBitmapImageRep *imageRepresentation, GWorldPtr gWorldPtr)
96 PixMapHandle pixMapHandle;
97 unsigned char* pixBaseAddr;
100 pixMapHandle = GetGWorldPixMap(gWorldPtr);
101 LockPixels (pixMapHandle);
102 pixBaseAddr = (unsigned char*) GetPixBaseAddr(pixMapHandle);
104 const unsigned char* bitMapDataPtr = [imageRepresentation bitmapData];
106 if ((bitMapDataPtr != nil) && (pixBaseAddr != nil))
109 int pixmapRowBytes = GetPixRowBytes(pixMapHandle);
110 NSSize imageSize = [imageRepresentation size];
111 for (i=0; i< imageSize.height; i++)
113 const unsigned char *src = bitMapDataPtr + i * [imageRepresentation bytesPerRow];
114 unsigned char *dst = pixBaseAddr + i * pixmapRowBytes;
115 for (j = 0; j < imageSize.width; j++)
117 *dst++ = 0; // X - our src is 24-bit only
118 *dst++ = *src++; // Red component
119 *dst++ = *src++; // Green component
120 *dst++ = *src++; // Blue component
124 UnlockPixels(pixMapHandle);
128 - (NSData*) my_PICTData
130 // Locate the bitmap image rep:
131 NSBitmapImageRep *rep;
132 NSEnumerator *e = [[self representations] objectEnumerator];
133 while( (rep=[e nextObject]) != nil ) {
134 if( [rep isKindOfClass: [NSBitmapImageRep class]] )
138 Warn(@"No bitmap image rep in image");
142 // Copy the image data into a GWorld:
144 SetRect(&bounds, 0,0,[rep pixelsWide],[rep pixelsHigh]);
146 OSStatus err = NewGWorld(&gworld, 32, &bounds, NULL, NULL, 0);
148 Warn(@"NewGWorld failed with err %i",err);
151 CopyNSImageRepToGWorld(rep,gworld);
153 // Draw the GWorld into a PicHandle:
156 GetGWorld(&oldPort,&oldDevice);
157 SetGWorld(gworld,NULL);
159 PicHandle pic = OpenPicture(&bounds);
160 CopyBits(GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(gworld),
161 GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(gworld),
162 &bounds,&bounds,srcCopy,NULL);
165 SetGWorld(oldPort,oldDevice);
166 DisposeGWorld(gworld);
169 Warn(@"Couldn't convert to PICT: error %i",err);
173 // Copy the PicHandle into an NSData:
175 //Test to put PICT on clipboard:
177 GetCurrentScrap(&scrap);
179 PutScrapFlavor(scrap,'PICT',0,GetHandleSize((Handle)pic),*pic);*/
180 NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes: *pic length: GetHandleSize((Handle)pic)];
181 DisposeHandle((Handle)pic);
182 Log(@"Converted image to %i bytes of PICT data",[data length]);
193 @implementation NSBezierPath (MYUtilities)
195 + (NSBezierPath*) my_bezierPathWithRoundRect: (NSRect)rect radius: (float)radius
197 radius = MIN(radius, floorf(rect.size.width/2));
198 float x0 = NSMinX(rect), y0 = NSMinY(rect),
199 x1 = NSMaxX(rect), y1 = NSMaxY(rect);
200 NSBezierPath *path = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
202 [path moveToPoint: NSMakePoint(x0+radius,y0)];
204 [path appendBezierPathWithArcFromPoint: NSMakePoint(x1,y0)
205 toPoint: NSMakePoint(x1,y1) radius: radius];
206 [path appendBezierPathWithArcFromPoint: NSMakePoint(x1,y1)
207 toPoint: NSMakePoint(x0,y1) radius: radius];
208 [path appendBezierPathWithArcFromPoint: NSMakePoint(x0,y1)
209 toPoint: NSMakePoint(x0,y0) radius: radius];
210 [path appendBezierPathWithArcFromPoint: NSMakePoint(x0,y0)
211 toPoint: NSMakePoint(x1,y0) radius: radius];
220 NSArray* OpenWindowsWithDelegateClass( Class klass )
222 NSMutableArray *windows = $marray();
223 for( NSWindow *window in [NSApp windows] ) {
224 id delegate = window.delegate;
225 if( (window.isVisible || window.isMiniaturized) && (klass==nil || [delegate isKindOfClass: klass]) )
226 [windows addObject: window];
233 NSRect PinRect( NSRect r, NSRect container )
235 // Push r's origin inside container, and limit its size to the container's:
236 r = NSMakeRect(MAX(r.origin.x, container.origin.x),
237 MAX(r.origin.y, container.origin.y),
238 MIN(r.size.width, container.size.width),
239 MIN(r.size.height, container.size.height));
240 // Push r's outside edges into the container:
241 r.origin.x -= MAX(0, NSMaxX(r)-NSMaxX(container));
242 r.origin.y -= MAX(0, NSMaxY(r)-NSMaxY(container));
248 OSStatus LoadFontsFromBundle( NSBundle *bundle )
250 NSString *fontsPath = [[bundle resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Fonts"];
252 return LoadFontsFromPath(fontsPath);
258 OSStatus LoadFontsFromPath( NSString* path )
260 // Tip of the hat to Buddy Kurz!
262 OSStatus err = PathToFSRef(path,&fsRef);
264 err = ATSFontActivateFromFileReference(&fsRef,
265 kATSFontContextLocal,
266 kATSFontFormatUnspecified,
268 kATSOptionFlagsDefault,
271 if( err ) Warn(@"LoadFontsFromPath: Error %i for %@",err,path);