* Added BSD license to more .m files.
* Updated some copyright notices.
* Added some #imports to make the MYNetwork classes build without using the MYUtilities.pch prefix header.
5 // Copyright 2008 Jens Alfke. All rights reserved.
8 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
11 /** A wrapper around an AliasHandle: a persistent reference to a file, which works
12 even if the file is moved or renamed, or its volume unmounted. */
14 @interface FileAlias : NSObject <NSCoding>
19 - (id) initWithFilePath: (NSString*)path
20 error: (NSError**)error;
22 - (id) initWithFilePath: (NSString*)path
23 relativeToPath: (NSString*)fromPath
24 error: (NSError**)error;
26 - (NSString*) filePath: (NSError**)error;
27 - (NSString*) filePathRelativeToPath: (NSString*)fromPath error: (NSError**)error;
29 - (NSArray*) findMatchesRelativeToPath: (NSString*)fromPath
30 withRules: (unsigned)rules // rules = kARMSearch etc.
31 error: (NSError**)error;
32 - (NSArray*) findMatches: (NSError**)error;
34 - (NSString*) originalPath;
35 - (NSString*) originalFilename;
36 - (NSString*) originalVolumeName;